Nautical Brand Ambassador

Discover Constantin Nautics and receive the latest and most exclusive items before anyone else does.

Engage your audience with exclusive deals and giveaways curated specifically for them.

Get Rewards
Earn up to 15% commissions from sales made by your referrals up to 30 days from their initial visit.
We are offering a 15 percent commission on every item purchased during the 30 day period. This is on all the products that we carry not just bracelets. We are confident that your readers and fans will love our selection of quality, fashion-forward nautical bracelets and accessories.
How it Works
Here’s how it works: our affiliate members agree to place one or more links advertising our products on their web site, blog, Twitter or Facebook page. Whenever your readers click through from those links and make a purchase on our site, you earn a commission – even if the sale is made up to 30 days after they clicked through to us from your pages.
For select brand ambassadors we have an extra special incentive program where we offer free products for them to wear, share and giveaway to their followers and readers.